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Vocational Training Center

Overcoming Risks


In the Dominican Republic, nearly one third of the youth between the ages of 15-24 are unemployed due to geographical discrimination of IDs, where many of our students reside. With this obstacle, many teens drop out of school and are easily drawn into lives of crime, prostitution and drugs to financially support their families.

Dove's Vocational Training Center offers our students a path to self-sustaining income, where they might choose to enter the work field, create their own business, or continue to
higher education. To prepare our students, we provide classes, such as Job Readiness and English as a second Language, to help develop employability, market-driven technical, and vocational skills. They receive coaching related to job preparation, search and placement, and opportunities to apply their skills with supervised professional internships.
With the support of our Vocational Training Center programs, our graduates have become leaders, beacons of light, and carriers of change for themselves and their communities: a professional baseball player, employees within cruise ports, nursing and engineering students, and owners of their own businesses, including a nail salon, empanada cart, cupcake gift service, fishmonger, automotive wash service, and catering/delivery service.
We Have the Students! We Have the Facilities! But We Need 
Additional Funding!


Our community includes not just the children, but dedicated teachers, support staff, an engaged board, and YOU; all committed to our children's success. Your support can help us continue to grow and make a difference in the futures of our Dove kids! Help us reach our immediate needs:

  • Sponsor a class: $1,050 per month
    • Job Readiness
    • English as a Second Language
    • Computer Skills
    • Cosmetology
  • Other ways you can support:
    • Sponsor a teacher: $400 per month
    • Sponsor monthly workplace site visits: $150 per month
    • Sponsor monthly groceries to keep 60 students in school: $600 per month


​"This program is really good because it gives you another vision of the world. Because when you're here in the club, people show you things that are really important. So, it shows you that you can do more than what you imagine you can do."


~ Jodelka, [age]

A Message From Our Founder and Executive Director, Liz Rooney:

“It is with great love that I say thank you for your kindness and support these many years! This vocational training center is an ambitious goal that is imperative in supporting our teens into adulthood to become productive members of the community.”

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