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June 2022 - Annual School Uniform Fundraiser

Dove Youth Development

Dove's Annual School Uniform Fundraiser

HELP BREAK THE CYCLE OF POVERTY WITH ONE $75 SCHOOL UNIFORM! Wow, it has it been a tough 18 months for the world! It has been especially tough for our children and their families whose incomes, mobility and access to school resources were severely limited during the Covid shutdown. When schools changed to online classes, that meant TV, radio or cell phone access for most of our families who don’t have internet access. Sometimes the only cell phone in the family went to work with a parent, leaving the children with no access to school at all. Dove followed government regulations and had to close as long as schools were closed. We were only able to provide limited remote school support. So we are very excited to tell you that our Dove children will be able to go back to in-person school in mid September and Dove can resume supporting them with before and after school programs! Now it’s time to buy our kids the school uniforms that they need in order to be able to attend public school. We need to raise $10,650 dollars by August 15th! 142 of our 154 students enrolled at Dove need uniforms. (12 students have uniforms paid for as part of their private school tuition sponsored by donors in our community.) As you are aware, one of the key aspects of our mission is to promote education for kids in the poorest barrios of Puerto Plata. In the DR, a uniform is required for attendance at public school. For some families that simple price of entrance is one they don’t have the resources to pay. Can you donate $75 to open the door to education this year for one child? That will provide the child with one uniform - shirt, pants or skirt, underwear and shoes. Uniform stores have told us their prices are increasing this year, but have not yet been able to tell us the definitive prices. So if you’re able to donate more, we will appreciate your help covering price increases! Dove’s annual school uniform drive is key to our mission of keeping our kids in school and off the streets. We would love to reach our goal this year of seeing every child in a uniform without placing a huge financial burden on their families. With your generosity, we believe we can make it happen! Thank you for supporting our mission, summarized here: DOVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT IS A COMMUNITY OF HOPE AND LOVE THAT ENGAGES AND INSPIRES DOMINICAN AND HAITIAN CHILDREN LIVING IN POVERTY TO DISCOVER NEW WAYS OF BEING & LIVING, THROUGH EDUCATION. Our link to donate is below! Please click below and apply your donation to School Uniforms. This will ensure your donation goes towards the uniform fund. Every dollar counts and we appreciate all of your continued support!

Dove Missions PO BOX 32074 Minneapolis, MN 55432




Donations made to any of our campaigns and programs will generate a U.S. Tax receipt sent to email address or post address.

Phone: Dominican Republic: (809)-676-4071     |     US: (612)-442-5974

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