Come and Visit When You Can!

Pictured is sponsors Kathleen and Bob with their new sponsor child, Emili, her dad Jose Luis and Francesca.
Our first visitor since the pandemic Kathleen and her husband Bob joined us after Easter for a wonderful visit at Dove. After having enjoyed vacations in Dominican Republic, Kathleen posted on Facebook that she wanted to be a "grandparent" to kids in the DR. One of our team members, Lauren Belardinelli, reached out to her to tell her about how our child sponsorship program could easily help her do that. . We were able to show Kathleen and Bob around the center, meet some children and explain our mission, purpose as well as our new goals and protocols since COVID. They left sponsoring two of our children and will continue to support them and their families for our monthly food program and the programs at Dove YDC. Come and visit when you can We encourage those who wish to come visit their kids to do so if feasible! It has been a tough year being closed and we want you to feel connected to your sponsor child as they also are missing that connection with you! We also have 42 kids awaiting sponsorship! For just $40 a month you can sponsor one of our children and provide food monthly for their family.

Kathleen, Emili and Francesca
Dove Missions
PO BOX 32074
Minneapolis, MN 55432